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10 Simple ways to Clear Clutter from your Home and Office
By: Inspirit


By BZ Riger-Hull, Certified Success Coach

1. Hold the intention that the only three things aloud on your writing desk is a lamp, a small vase for flowers, and a photograph or two. That's it! When you get up from your desk put everything else away except those three things.

2. Sort your mail as soon as it comes in, then recycle, throw out, file, or respond. No piles and no promise to go through it later.

3. Spend ten minutes a day walking through your house with a large shopping bag. Grab at least three things from each room in the house that you can throw away.

4. Have a special reading box or basket- Sort through magazines or articles you want to read and tear out the articles you are interested in and recycle the rest of the magazine.

5. Make sure you sort your email so you never have more than 3-5 things in your in box at any one time.

6. Set up project files in Word to keep track of important things you are working on. Designate a separate file for each project or focus. You won't have to hunt for your information when you need it.

7. Shred unwanted office paper and use it for garden mulch, cat litter, or starting a nice crackling fire in the fireplace.

8. Learn to say NO. Or at least get in the habit of asking for a day to think the request over. This will clear out clutter from your schedule.

9. Make a rule that everything has a drawer, cabinet, basket, bin, or shelf it belongs on put nothing on the flat surfaces in your house.

10. Write down all of those things that are running around your brain nagging you. Sort them into three categories. 1. Things that will help me accomplish my goals that are Really important to me. 2. Things I think are urgent or burning. 3. Things I should do. Be honest and ruthless when you sort this list. Stop doing everything that falls under # 3. Everything that falls under # 2 Delegate these to someone else or eliminate them all together. The # 1 items are the only things you want to spend your time working on.

~~~ Resource Box ©BZ Riger-Hull. Wealth Creation & Attraction Marketing Solutions to Grow your Small Business - Get your "Attract Genuine Success Free ebook, Audio, Newsletter Power Pack" at Attract all of the perfect customers you want, make your website an income magnet... Put the Law of Attraction to work for you! She is a certified Strategic Attraction Coach, Leader of the Wealth & Spirit in Business Community...

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